Your IP


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    AS16509, Inc.
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What is an IP address?

When a device (such as a computer, tablet, or phone) connects to the internet, it is assigned an Internet Protocol address (IP address).

IPv4 vs. IPv6 addresses

IP Version 4 (IPv4) and IP Version 6 (IPv6) are the two versions of the Internet Protocol currently in use (IPv6). Identification and location addressing are their two key tasks.

The amount of available addresses is the fundamental difference between IPv4 and IPv6. Because IPv4 uses just 32 bits, it can only handle around 4 billion addresses. In 1995, IPv6 was established to assure that the world's address space would not run out anytime soon: IPv6 uses 128 bits, resulting in 3.4 x 1038 potential addresses.

You can’t go online without a public IP address

All connected devices must have a public IP address in order to use the internet. An IP address enables two devices—the originator and recipient of internet communications—to locate and exchange data.

The setup is comparable to how address systems work in real life. If you subscribe to a magazine, for example, the magazine distributor (the sender) will require your address to send your copies to you (the recipient). The distributors would be unable to send the magazine to you without your address.

The internet is no exception. Without an IP address, two devices would be unable to locate and communicate with one another.

Using Shadowsocks or Wireguard VPN for Private Connection

No one can see what you view online thanks to a rigorous policy of keeping no activity and no connection logs, and best-in-class 256-bit encryption ensures your data is as safe as it can be.

What your IP address can reveal about you and your location

The websites you visit have the ability to collect much more data about you. Website owners, marketers, and advertisers can develop quite a detailed profile about you by combining your IP address with other information obtained through metadata, cookies, trackers, and browser-fingerprinting strategies.

They can put together your location, what websites you visit, what you're interested in, what files you're torrenting, who you're chatting with, and more to serve you customized content and advertisements—or sell your information to the highest bidder.

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